*International Certification by American Academy*

Pelatihan Offline  Rp 7.500.000,- (Umum /Praktisi) Hotel Phoenix, Yogyakarta

Pelatihan Online  Rp 4.000.000,- (Umum /Praktisi)
Minimal 2 orang terdaftar

Ujian Sertifikasi $500 (dengan kurs hari ini)



The Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control™ certification  is designed for IT professionals who have hands-on experience with risk identification, assessment, and evaluation; risk response; risk monitoring; IS control design and implementation; and IS control monitoring and maintenance.

The CRISC designation will not only certify professionals who have knowledge and experience identifying and evaluating entity-specific risk, but also aid them in helping enterprises accomplish business objectives by designing, implementing, monitoring and maintaining risk-based, efficient and effective IS controls



  • Conceptualize organizations risk management within IT processes 
  • Identify and analyze risks within IT operations and understand the implications to the whole business operation
  • Improve IT operation risk level thru  the application and implementation of IT risk management methodology and best practices
  • Support the attainment of organizational business objectives by providing comprehensive perspective of IT risk management to the executive management of the organization
  • Plan to  implement tool  for identifying, analyzing, eradicating and communicating the risks within the cycle of risk management



IT professionals interested in earning Certified in Risk and Information Systems Controls (CRISC) certification. CRISC is for IT professionals, risk professionals, business analysts, project manager and/or compliance professionals, how work towards evaluation and mitigation of risk, and who have job experience in the following areas:

  • Risk identification, assessment and evaluation;
  • Risk response and monitoring 
  • IS control design/monitoring and implementation/maintenance



Segment 1: Risk Identification, Assessment and Evaluation (RI)

Segment 2: Risk Response (RR)

Segment 3: Risk Monitoring (RM)

Segment 4: Information Systems Controls Design and Implementation

Segment 5: Information Systems Control Monitoring and Maintenance 


Methods :

Case-based discussions will be conducted with topics related to the subjects of training. Exam exercises and questions evaluation.




Time and Place:

  • 3 Days (2 Days Training, 1 Day Exam)
  • Hotel Phoenix Yogyakarta


Investment dan Facilities

  • Pelatihan Offline Rp 7.500.000,- (Umum /Praktisi) 
  • Pelatihan Offline Rp 4.000.000,- (Umum /Praktisi) 
  • Minimal terdaftar 2 orang 
  • Jika melanjutkan sertifikasi ada tambahan biaya pembelian voucer ujian senilai $500 dengan kurs dollar hari ini 
  • Syarat Ujian: Melampirkan CV dan Mengisi Form AA yang disertai Scan KTP
  • Mendapatkan Modul, Training Kits, Try-out, Sertifikat Dari AAPM, Coffe Break 2X, Lunch
  • International Certification (if the participants pass the exam)


Lead Instructor

American Academy Certified Consultant 

No Hari/Tanggal Waktu Materi Tempat
1 Hari I  07.30 – 08.00 Registrasi & Pembukaan Hotel Phoenix, Yogyakarta
08.00 – 10.00 Materi
10.00 – 10.15 Coffee Break
10.15 – 12.00 Materi 
12.00 – 13.00 Ishoma
13.00 – 15.00 Materi
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee Break
15.15 – 16.30 Materi
2 Hari II 08.00 – 10.00 Materi
10.00 – 10.15 Coffee Break
10.15 – 12.00 Materi
12.00 – 13.00 Ishoma
13.00 – 15.00 Materi dan studi kasus
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee Break
15.15 – 16.30 Try Out
3 Hari III 09.00 – Selesai Ujian




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